思わぬ再会 an Unexpected Reunion
アロイス: やはり、ジェラルト団長ではないですか!うおおお!! お久しぶりですなあ!!
Alois: Captain Jeralt! It is you! Goodness, it been ages.
Don’t you recognize me? It’s Alois! Your old right-hand man! Well, that’s how I always thought of myself anyway.
It must have been 20 years ago that you went missing without a trace. I always knew you were still alive!
ジェラルト: 相変わらずうるせえ奴だな、アロイス……。それにもう団長じゃない。
Jeralt: You haven’t changed a bit, Alois. Just as loud as ever. And drop that “captain” nonsense. I’m not your captain anymore.
These days I’m just a wandering mercenary. One who has work to do. Good-bye, old friend.
アロイス: ええ、ではまたどこかで……
Alois: Right… Good-bye, Captain.
Wait! That isn’t how this ends. I insist that you return to the monastery with me.
ジェラルト: ガルグ=マク大修道院か。はあ……そうなるよなあ。
Jeralt: Garreg Mach Monastery… I suppose this was inevitable.
アロイス: おや、もしかしてそちらの若者は、団長のお子さんですか?
Alois: And how about you, kid? Are you the captain’s child?
Choice 1: 赤の他人だ He is a stranger to me. (Jeralt ⤵)
アロイス: あっはっは! またまたそんな冗談を。団長と雰囲気がそっくりではないか。
Alois: Great sense of humor, this one. Clearly cut from the same cloth as the captain.
-cut from the same cloth 同じ布から切られた=瓜二つ、似ている、同類yupeco.icon
Choice 2: 逃げ遅れた盗賊の一味だ I’m a bandit. (Alois ⤴)
Choice 3: そうだ That is correct.
アロイス: そうであったか! 見た目はともかく、雰囲気は団長にそっくりであるなあ。
Alois: Is that so? Well, physical differences aside, your mannerisms do remind me of the captain.
アロイス: 貴殿にも是非、大修道院を見てもらいたい。同行願えるか?
Alois: I’d love for you to see the monastery too. You will join me, won’t you?
ジェラルト: ………………。
Jeralt: …
アロイス: どうかしましたか、団長。まさか逃げようなんて思ってませんよね?
Alois: What’s troubling you, Captain? You aren’t about to run off again, are you?
ジェラルト: かのセイロス騎士団を相手に逃げ出せるなんて、流石の俺も思ってねえよ。
Jeralt: Even I wouldn’t dare from the Knights of Seiros.
ソティス: セイロス騎士団、か。確かに腕が立つ者どものようじゃのう。
Sothis: The Knights of Seiros… They do seem rather skilled.
Ah. It seems your presence is required. Get going.